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Staying competitive often means embracing new technologies and constantly seeking platforms tto serve growing needs better. For many businesses, this includes considering eCommerce replatforming - a process that can be both exciting and daunting.

Magento, once a leading eCommerce solution, has now become a platform many businesses are migrating away from due to its limitations. This factor has driven many eCommerce businesses to explore more modern, scalable, and user-friendly platforms.

This article outlines a comprehensive 7-step process for a successful Magento migration, ensuring a smooth transition to a new, more capable eCommerce platform.

By following these steps, businesses can enhance their online store’s performance, improve user experience, and leverage advanced features of modern eCommerce solutions.

Understanding Magento and Its Limitations


Magento (now Adobe Commerce) is a powerful eCommerce platform used by businesses of all sizes. It started in 2008 and was bought by Adobe in 2018. It offers a robust set of features for building and managing online stores, making it a go-to choice for businesses of various sizes.

However, as the digital landscape evolves, some merchants find themselves constrained by their current eCommerce platform. Common challenges of Magneto:

  • Slow admin panel issue: After adding extensions, the store management panel can work very slowly, slowing down the team's work.

  • Complexity: The platform's extensive features and flexibility come at the cost of complexity, often requiring specialized developers for implementation and maintenance.

  • Performance issues: Without proper optimization, Magento can be slow, especially for larger stores or during peak traffic periods. Slow load times frustrate customers and impact conversion rates.

  • Limited flexibility: Magento was originally designed with a monolithic architecture, which presents several challenges like limited API capabilities or inflexibility in adopting new technologies. Tightly integrated frontend, backend, database, and services create complex dependencies. Changing one part of the system can impact the entire platform, complicating maintenance and increasing costs and development time.

  • Lack of support for open-source: Updates for the open-source version of Magento are infrequent unless you purchase the expensive enterprise version, leading to outdated core functionalities.

Why eCommerce Businesses Are Migrating from Magento?

The eCommerce community has increasingly recognized the difficulties associated with Magento. Since 2020, there has been a noticeable trend of online stores transitioning to more modern, agile solutions to overcome these challenges.

Magento shops chart

According to the chart, since 2020, around 21% of Magento stores have migrated from existing system (Source).

What are the reasons for this?

Apart from the above limitations, the eCommerce landscape is also shaped by the technologies driving these platforms. One major factor in the migration away from Magento, which operates on a PHP-based system, is the changing trends in preferred programming languages among developers (Source).

Programming languages popularity chart

This reduction in PHP usage has resulted in a shrinking pool of PHP developers, making it increasingly challenging to find qualified professionals to support PHP-based systems. Consequently, this scarcity of expertise is driving up the costs associated with maintaining these systems.

These factors often lead businesses to explore alternatives that can better support their growth and adapt to changing market demands.

What Is eCommerce Replatforming?

Ecommerce replatforming is the process of migrating your online store from one eCommerce platform to another. It includes transferring store data, customer information, design elements, and other pertinent components.

However, other alternatives exist. For example, replatforming can involve transitioning from one SaaS provider to another. Additionally, it could mean moving from an outsourced solution to an in-house system.

Ecommerce businesses may seek to avoid or resolve existing issues with their current platforms, such as performance bottlenecks, scalability limitations, or high maintenance costs. Apparently, around 27% of eCommerce companies want to switch to eCommerce store, despite the costs (Source).

On the other hand, some eCommerce stores look to replatform from existing solution to gain access to new platform features and capabilities that their current system lacks. These features might include advanced analytics, integrated marketing tools, improved mobile responsiveness, seamless third-party tools, and enhanced customization options.

By carefully planning and executing the migration process, businesses can overcome the challenges of their current platform and unlock new opportunities for success in the digital marketplace.

Benefits of New eCommerce Platform

Benefits of replatforming

Enhanced functionality

One of the primary motivations for eCommerce replatforming is to gain access to modern features that are not available on the existing site. These features can include improved search engines optimization (SEO) tools, advanced analytics tools, better customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and seamless integrations with third-party applications and services.

Improved performance

Migrating to a new eCommerce platform can significantly improve your site’s speed, reliability, and overall performance. A faster, more reliable site enhances the user experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Cost efficiency

Replatforming can also be driven by the need to reduce the total cost of ownership. Modern eCommerce platforms often offer more cost-effective hosting solutions, lower maintenance costs, and fewer expenses related to updates and security patches compared to legacy systems.


As businesses grow, their existing eCommerce platform need to scale accordingly. Replatforming allows businesses to adopt solutions that can handle increased traffic, larger product catalogs, and higher transaction volumes without compromising performance.

Overcoming Challenges of Replatforming

Challenges of replatforming

Replatforming an eCommerce site involves numerous challenges, but with careful planning and the right strategies, these hurdles can be successfully navigated. Here are some key challenges businesses face during eCommerce site migration and how to overcome them.

Data migration and integrity

Migrating data such as product information, customer data, and order histories from the existing solution to the new eCommerce site is a critical and complex task. It may lead to hacks, data loss, and data leaks. Ensuring data accuracy and integrity during this transfer is crucial to maintaining business operations and customer trust.

To overcome this, start from a comprehensive audit of all existing data to identify any inconsistencies, duplicates, or errors before the migration process. Utilize automated data migration tools and services, like Cart2Cart or LitExtension that can handle large volumes of data efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption to your eCommerce store.

What is more, carefully map the existing data fields to the corresponding fields in the new eCommerce platform to ensure seamless integration. Perform extensive testing of the migrated data to verify its accuracy and completeness before going live.

Customizations and integrations

Implementing customizations and integrations with third-party apps and services can be complex and time-consuming. Existing plugins or integrations may not be compatible with the new platform, necessitating the development or purchase of new solutions. Ensuring that all necessary custom features and integrations work smoothly on the new platform is critical to maintaining functionality and enhancing user experience.

To address this challenge, start by documenting all current customizations and integrations, assessing their necessity and functionality on the new platform.

Incremental development is key—implement customizations and integrations in phases, beginning with the most critical ones to manage workload and mitigate risks. Also, choose a new eCommerce platform that supports easy integration with your existing tools and services or offers similar or better alternatives.

SEO and traffic retention

Preserving your website’s search engine rankings and organic traffic during the replatforming process is vital to avoid any negative impact on visibility and sales. This requires careful planning and execution to ensure continuity and performance.

Begin with a thorough SEO audit of your current site to identify all high-ranking pages, backlinks, and keywords.

Also, implement 301 redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs to ensure that search engines and customers can find your new site without any issues. Maintain or enhance all meta tags, headers, and content during the migration to retain your SEO value.

Post-migration, continuously monitor your site’s SEO performance and make necessary adjustments promptly to address any issues.

Cost management

The cost of replatforming can be significant, involving expenses related to new software, data migration, custom development, testing, and staff training. Effective cost management strategies are essential to ensure a smooth transition without financial strain.

Create a detailed budget that includes all potential costs associated with the migration process. Consider a phased migration to spread out costs over time and manage cash flow more effectively.

Conduct a thorough ROI analysis to evaluate the potential return on investment of the new eCommerce platform, justifying the initial costs with long-term benefits.

User training

Transitioning to a new eCommerce website requires training for staff and adapting to new workflows, which can be challenging and time-consuming. Effective change management and training programs are crucial to ensure a smooth transition and user adoption.

Develop and implement comprehensive training programs for all users to ensure they are comfortable and proficient with the new platform. Provide access to support resources such as documentation, tutorials, and customer service to assist users during the transition.

Establish a change management plan that addresses potential resistance and encourages adoption through clear communication and support.

Maintaining user experience

Ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted customer experience during the migration is critical to maintaining satisfaction and loyalty. During the migration process, your eCommerce website might experience downtime, potentially leading to lost revenue and customer dissatisfaction.

Inform your customers about the upcoming changes and any potential impacts on their shopping experience well in advance. Conduct user testing to identify and address any issues that might affect the customer experience on the new platform.

Consider a soft launch or gradual rollout of the new platform to a subset of users before a full-scale launch to identify and fix any issues.

By proactively addressing these challenges with strategic planning and the right tools, businesses can ensure a smooth and successful eCommerce platform migration. The result is a more robust, scalable, and efficient eCommerce solution that supports business growth and enhances customer experience.

When moving from Magento, it's important to follow several key steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s how you can effectively manage this website migration in just 7 steps.

eCommerce Platforms and Types to Consider

When considering replatforming your eCommerce site, it’s essential to understand the different types of platforms available and select one that aligns with your business needs. Here’s an overview of the main types of eCommerce platforms and some leading options within each category.


Headless architecture is an eCommerce platform type that decouples the frontend presentation layer from the backend commerce functionality. This separation allows businesses to deliver more personalized and faster experiences across various channels. The best example of a solution based on this architecture is Medusa.js, which we will expand on in the next section.


  • Flexibility: Customize the frontend using any technology stack.

  • Scalability: Easily integrate with various services and applications.

  • Performance: Optimize frontend performance independently of the backend.


Cloud-based eCommerce sites, like Shopify, are hosted on the vendor’s servers and accessed via the internet. These platforms offer scalability, flexibility, and reduced IT costs.


  • Cost Efficiency: Lower upfront costs as there’s no need for on-premise infrastructure.

  • Scalability: Easily scale resources based on traffic and demand.

  • Maintenance: Reduced burden on IT teams for maintenance and updates.

On-premise solutions

On-premise solutions, for example WooCommerce, are hosted on the business’s own servers. These platforms offer complete control over the environment but require significant IT resources for maintenance and updates.


  • Complete Control: Full access to the server environment and customization.

  • Security: Greater control over security protocols and data protection.

If you are looking for a detailed comparison of these three platforms, read our article - WooCommerce vs. Shopify vs. Medusa: The Best Platform in 2024 is...

Choosing the right eCommerce platform

When selecting an eCommerce platform, consider the following factors:

  • Business Needs: Assess your specific requirements such as scalability, customization, and budget.

  • Technical Expertise: Evaluate the level of technical expertise available within your team.

  • Integration: Ensure the platform can integrate with your existing tools and third-party services.

  • User Experience: Choose a platform that offers the best user experience for your customers, including fast load times, mobile responsiveness, and seamless navigation.

By carefully evaluating these factors and understanding the strengths of different eCommerce platforms, businesses can make informed decisions that support their growth and operational efficiency.

Medusa.js: The Premier Alternative to Magento

Medusa.js homepage website

Medusa.js is a developer-friendly, open-source headless eCommerce platform that offers high customization and flexibility, making it ideal for businesses needing tailored solutions.

Written in JavaScript, the most popular programming language, Medusa boasts an active community always eager to help. Its rapid adoption and growing popularity are evident, as it currently ranks first among the top 20 open-source platforms related to eCommerce (Source).

Additionally, Medusa.js is known for its impressive performance, being six times faster than Magento.

For those considering Medusa as their next eCommerce technology, our free whitepaper - Migration from Magento to Medusa: A Complete Guide for CTO, explains why Medusa is a superior alternative to Magento and outlines the website migration process. Check it out!

Migration from Magento to Medusa Whitepaper

Step 1: Discovery and Gap Analysis

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 1

Migrating from Magento should start with a thorough discovery and gap analysis.

This critical phase lays the groundwork for a successful migration by examining the current state of your eCommerce website, understanding business needs, and outlining necessary changes. Here's an overview of the key activities in this stage.

Assessing current Magento setup

First, gain a deep understanding of your existing Magento platform. This involves cataloging all components, customizations, integrations, and dependencies.

Inventory of Existing Features and Functionalities

  • Catalog Management: List product categories, types, SKUs, attributes, and variations. Document the catalog structure, including custom attributes and configurations.

  • Customer Data: Gather all customer information, including accounts, profiles, order history, and saved preferences.

  • Order Management: Detail order processing workflows, including statuses, payment methods, shipping options, and return policies.

  • Content Management: Identify CMS pages, blog posts, media assets, and other content elements on your Magento site.

  • Custom Extensions and Plugins: List third-party extensions and custom plugins, detailing functionalities and dependencies.

Current Infrastructure Analysis

  • Hosting Environment: Document the hosting setup, including server specs, database configurations, and any CDN or caching mechanisms.

  • Performance Metrics: Collect performance data like page load times, server response times, and traffic patterns to benchmark the new platform's performance.

  • Security Measures: Review current security protocols, including SSL certificates, firewalls, and compliance with standards like PCI DSS.

Identifying key functionalities and business requirements

Identify the critical functionalities that drive your business to ensure they are preserved or enhanced in the new platform.

Core Business Processes

  • Sales and Checkout Process: Map out the sales funnel from product discovery to checkout. Identify any custom checkout workflows or payment gateway integrations.

  • Customer Service and Support: Document customer service workflows, including ticketing systems, live chat, and return/exchange processes.

  • Marketing and Promotions: List marketing tools and integrations, such as email marketing platforms, CMS systems, and loyalty programs. Detail how promotions and discounts are managed.

Stakeholder Interviews

  • Internal Teams: Interview key internal stakeholders from marketing, sales, customer service, IT, and finance. Gather insights on pain points, essential features, and desired improvements.

  • External Partners: Engage with external partners like payment processors, shipping providers, and third-party service providers to understand integration requirements and potential challenges.

Gap analysis: Comparing Magento with a new platform

With a clear understanding of your current setup and business requirements, perform a gap analysis to identify differences between Magento and a new platform.

Feature Comparison

  • Out-of-the-Box Features: Compare default features provided by Magento and new eCommerce solution. Identify features available in it and those requiring custom development.

  • Customizations: Analyze how current customizations and third-party extensions in Magento can be replicated or improved in a new eCommerce store. Determine if it offers native support or if custom plugins are needed.

Technical Considerations

  • API (Application Programming Interface) Capabilities: APIs are crucial for integrating the eCommerce platform with various third-party services, custom applications, and other components of your tech stack. Evaluate the API capabilities of both platforms.

  • Development Environment: The development environment is where your team will build, test, and deploy the entire online store. Assess the development environments, remember that Magento has a PHP-based architecture.

Documenting findings and developing requirements

Document all findings from the gap analysis and develop a detailed set of requirements for the website migration.

Requirement Specifications

  • Functional Requirements: List all functionalities to be implemented in a new eCommerce solution, categorized by priority (e.g., must-have, nice-to-have). Include details on how each feature should behave.

  • Non-Functional Requirements: Specify performance targets, security standards, compliance requirements, and other non-functional aspects critical to the platform’s success.

  • Technical Specifications: Document technical requirements, including eCommerce data migration scripts, integration points, and custom plugin development.

Project Scope and Objectives

  • Scope Definition: Clearly define the scope of the migration project, including what is in-scope and out-of-scope. This helps manage expectations and prevent scope creep.

  • Project Goals: Establish the primary goals of the migration, such as improving performance, reducing costs, or enabling new business capabilities. Align these goals with overall business objectives.

Step 2: Planning and Roadmap

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 2

With the discovery and gap analysis complete, the next step is creating a detailed plan and roadmap for the migration.

This phase involves setting goals, engaging stakeholders, defining the project scope, and creating a timeline. Proper planning helps manage the migration effectively, reducing risks and ensuring a smooth transition.

Setting clear goals

Establishing clear goals for the migration is essential for aligning the team and achieving the desired outcomes. These goals should address both immediate needs and long-term objectives.

Business Goals

  • Performance improvement: Improve website speed and responsiveness to enhance user experience and SEO rankings.

  • Cost reduction: Lower total ownership costs by eliminating high licensing fees and reducing maintenance expenses.

  • Scalability: Ensure the platform can handle future growth, including more traffic, new products, and expanded markets.

Technical Goals

  • Modern architecture: Move to a headless, API-first architecture for greater flexibility and faster development cycles.

  • Enhanced security: Implement strong security measures to protect customer data and ensure compliance with industry standards.

  • Improved developer experience: Create a more efficient development environment to boost innovation and reduce technical debt.

Engaging stakeholders

Involving various stakeholders throughout the project ensures their needs and concerns are addressed.

Internal Stakeholders

  • Executive Leadership: Secure buy-in from top management by highlighting the migration's benefits and strategic importance.

  • IT and Development Teams: Gather insights on current challenges and technical requirements from the technical teams.

  • Marketing and Sales: Understand the needs related to user experience, promotions, and analytics from marketing and sales teams.

  • Customer Service: Ensure that customer service workflows are not negatively impacted by platform changes.

External Stakeholders

  • Vendors and Partners: Coordinate with third-party vendors and partners for services like payment processing, shipping, and CMS systems.

  • Customers: Collect feedback from key customers to ensure their needs are met and minimize disruption during the migration.

Defining project scope

Clearly defining the scope of the migration project helps manage expectations, resources, and timelines.

Scope Definition

  • In-scope items: List features, functionalities, and integrations to be migrated or developed in Medusa.js, including data migration, custom plugins, third-party integrations, and frontend development.

  • Out-of-scope items: Specify items not included in the migration project to prevent scope creep and stay focused on objectives.

Scope Documentation

  • Functional Requirements: Document all functional requirements, detailing how each feature should work in a new platform.

  • Non-Functional Requirements: Specify performance targets, security standards, compliance requirements, and other critical non-functional aspects.

Developing a detailed timeline

Creating a detailed timeline with specific milestones and deadlines is crucial for keeping the project on track.

Project Phases and Milestones

  • Preparation Phase: Key milestones include finalizing the project plan and obtaining stakeholder approval.

  • Data Migration Phase: Key milestones include data extraction completion, data cleaning, and data mapping validation.

  • Development Phase: Key milestones include completing custom plugins, integrating third-party services, and developing the frontend.

  • Testing Phase: Key milestones include completing test plans, executing tests, and resolving issues.

  • Go-Live Phase: Key milestones include final preparations, go-live, and initial post-launch monitoring.

  • Post-Migration Support Phase: Key milestones include stabilizing the platform, gathering user feedback, and implementing necessary improvements.

Resource Allocation

Allocating the right resources is key to the migration project's success. This includes assigning roles and responsibilities and ensuring sufficient budget allocation for each project phase.

Team Roles and Responsibilities

  • Project Manager: Oversee the entire migration project, coordinate tasks, and keep the project on track.

  • Technical Lead: Manage technical aspects, including development, testing, and migrate data.

  • Developers: Handle development tasks, including building custom plugins, integrations, and the new frontend.

  • QA Testers: Conduct thorough testing to ensure the new platform functions correctly and meets business requirements.

Budget Planning

  • Budget Breakdown: Create a detailed budget plan covering all aspects of the eCommerce migration, including development, testing, training, and post-migration support.

  • Contingency Funds: Allocate contingency funds to cover unexpected expenses or challenges during the project.

Risk management

Identifying and managing risks is vital to the planning process. Develop strategies to mitigate potential risks and have contingency plans in place.

Risk Identification

  • Technical Risks: Identify technical risks such as data loss, integration issues, or performance degradation.

  • Operational Risks: Assess operational risks like downtime during migration, user disruption, or resource availability.

  • Stakeholder Risks: Consider risks related to stakeholder engagement, including resistance to change or misaligned expectations.

Mitigation Strategies

  • Technical Contingencies: Develop contingency plans for technical risks, like regular backups, failover systems, and parallel testing environments.

  • Operational Measures: Implement measures to minimize downtime, like scheduling migrations during low-traffic periods and having support teams on standby.

  • Stakeholder Communication: Maintain clear and frequent communication with stakeholders to manage expectations and address concerns promptly.

Creating the migration plan

With all elements in place, compile a comprehensive project plan to serve as the roadmap for the entire migration.

Project Plan Documentation

  • Executive Summary: Provide an overview of the eCommerce platform migrations project, including goals, scope, and key milestones.

  • Detailed Timeline: Include the detailed timeline with specific tasks, milestones, and deadlines.

  • Resource Allocation: Outline the roles and responsibilities of the project team and allocate the budget for each phase.

  • Risk Management Plan: Document identified risks and mitigation strategies.

  • Schedule Project Meetings: Schedule meetings to ensure clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders throughout the project.

Step 3: Data Extraction and Mapping

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 3

Data extraction and mapping are crucial steps in migrations. This phase ensures that all necessary data is accurately transferred and integrated into the new platform.

Extracting data schema from Magento

Start by extracting the data schema from your Magento setup. This includes:

  • Product Data: SKUs, names, descriptions, prices, categories, attributes, images, and inventory levels.

  • Customer Data: Names, email addresses, addresses, order histories, and preferences.

  • Order Data: Order IDs, customer details, product details, shipping information, payment details, and order statuses.

  • Content Data: CMS pages, blog posts, media files, and other relevant content.

Adjusting schema

Next, adjust the database schema of the new platform to match the extracted Magento data. Ensure that all necessary fields and structures are created to accommodate the data. This step might involve:

  • Defining custom data models

  • Setting up relationships between different data entities

  • Configuring attributes to match Magento’s schema

Preparing a mapping plan

Develop a comprehensive mapping plan to align Magento data with the schema. This involves:

  • Field Mapping: Define how each field from the Magento schema will map to new platform's schema.

  • Data Transformation: Plan any necessary transformations, such as format changes or data enrichment.

  • Mapping Tools: Use tools like ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes or custom scripts to automate the mapping.

Implementing data import

Once the schema and mapping plan are prepared, proceed with the data import using the new platform's API or import plugins:

  • API Integration: Use REST APIs to import data directly, providing flexibility and control over the process.

  • Data Import Plugins: Utilize data import plugins available for the new platform to streamline the import process. These plugins often come with pre-built functionalities that simplify the transfer of data from Magento, ensuring a more efficient and error-free migration.

Step 4: Customizations and Integrations

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 4

Migrating from Magento to a new platform often requires developing custom extensions and integrating third-party services to ensure it meets all business requirements.

Develop necessary customizations

Identify and implement all custom features needed in the new platform to match the capabilities previously available in Magento.

  • Features List: List all custom features from Magento.

  • Business Requirements: Consult with stakeholders to determine critical features.

  • Custom Features & Plugin Development: Set up the development environment, create plugin skeletons, and implement custom features.

  • Testing and Debugging: Ensure the custom plugins work as expected and document their functionality.

Integrating third-party services

Enhance the new platform with essential third-party tools to maintain and improve business operations.

  • Identify required integrations: Determine necessary third-party services like payment gateways, shipping providers, CRM systems, and marketing tools.

  • Obtain API credentials: Register with selected providers to obtain necessary API keys.

  • Configure integrations: Use the new platform’s configuration files and plugin system to integrate third-party services smoothly.

  • Testing and validation: Test integrations to ensure data flows correctly and meets business requirements.

Step 5: User Interface Migration

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 5

Migrating the user interface (UI) from Magento involves redesigning or replicating the frontend to ensure a seamless and improved user experience. This step includes rebuilding the frontend, ensuring consistency, and optimizing for performance.

Rebuilding the frontend

Rebuilding the frontend during an eCommerce platform migration is a crucial step that involves designing a new interface or replicating the existing one to enhance user experience and performance. Leveraging modern frontend technologies, such as Next.js, can provide significant advantages, including server-side rendering, static site generation, and built-in API routes. These features make Next.js an ideal choice for creating fast, SEO-friendly, and scalable eCommerce sites.

Utilizing ready-made storefronts

Many platforms provide ready-made, open-source frontends built with modern technologies. These storefronts come with pre-configured settings and basic eCommerce functionalities, which can significantly speed up development and reduce time to market.

Setting Up the Frontend Development Environment

  • Development tools: Utilize robust development tools and frameworks to streamline the development process.

  • Component libraries: Use component libraries such as Material-UI or Tailwind CSS to speed up development and ensure design consistency.

Ensuring consistency

Maintain consistency in design and functionality to ensure users experience a familiar interface with improved performance and features.

Replicating the Current Design

  • Design audit: Conduct a design audit of the current Magento frontend to identify all visual elements, layouts, and styles that need to be replicated in the new frontend.

  • Design system: Create a design system that includes color palettes, typography, spacing, and UI components.

Optimizing Design in Small Steps

  • Gradual Optimization: If your current store has good conversion rate, avoid drastic changes immediately. Instead, optimize the design in small steps after the initial implementation.

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B tests to check whether the changes improve sales conversion. This approach minimizes risks and ensures that any changes made are beneficial to the user experience and business goals.

SEO migration

Ensuring that your new frontend maintains or improves your current SEO performance is critical.

SEO Migration Process

  • Current SEO analysis: An SEO expert analyzes the current SEO situation, including URLs, metadata, and page structure.

  • Implementation guide: The SEO expert creates a detailed implementation guide for developers, outlining how to maintain or improve SEO during the migration.

  • Post-implementation review: After implementation, the SEO expert reviews the new setup to ensure it meets SEO standards and performs well in search engine rankings.

Step 6: Testing and Quality Assurance

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 6

Testing and QA are critical to ensure the new Medusa.js platform is functional, secure, and performs well.

Comprehensive testing

Functional Testing

  • Unit Tests: Ensure individual components perform as expected using Jest or Mocha.

  • Component Tests: Validate component interactions with React Testing Library.

  • API Tests: Confirm correct API handling with Postman and Swagger.

Integration Testing

  • Data Flow: Verify correct data transfer between system parts.

  • Third-Party Integrations: Ensure seamless operation with external services.

System Testing

  • End-to-End Tests: Simulate user interactions with Cypress and Selenium.

  • Workflow Testing: Check complete user workflows for smooth functionality.

Regression Testing

  • Pre-Launch: Ensure new code doesn’t break existing functionality.

  • Post-Launch: Maintain ongoing stability with automated regression tests.

Performance testing

  • Load Testing: Simulate high traffic with tools like Apache JMeter.

  • Stress Testing: Identify system limits and recovery capability.

  • Scalability Testing: Test vertical and horizontal scaling capabilities.

Ensuring data integrity

Data Validation

  • Consistency: Verify accurate data transfer.

  • Completeness: Ensure no critical information is missing.

Data Integrity Checks

  • Automated Scripts: Detect issues like missing fields and data corruption.

  • Manual Validation: Spot-check critical data points.

Security testing

  • Vulnerability Scanning: Identify vulnerabilities with OWASP ZAP.

  • Penetration Testing: Conduct internal and external penetration tests.

  • Compliance Testing: Ensure compliance with standards like PCI DSS and GDPR.

User experience testing

  • Usability Testing: Gather user feedback on ease of use and navigation.

  • A/B Testing: Compare design variations to improve user experience.

  • Accessibility Testing: Ensure WCAG compliance for users with disabilities.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

  • Stakeholder Involvement: Define acceptance criteria with stakeholders.

  • Execution of UAT: Validate platform functionality with end-users.

Step 7: Go-Live and Post-Migration Support

Ecommerce Magento Migration step 7

The final step in migrating from Magento to a new platform involves the go-live process and post-migration support, ensuring a smooth transition and addressing any issues promptly.

Final preparations for Go-Live

Final Testing and Validation

  • Comprehensive System Testing: Conduct thorough testing, including functional, performance, security, and user acceptance testing.

  • Regression Testing: Perform regression testing to ensure recent changes haven't introduced new issues.

  • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Obtain final approval from stakeholders through UAT.

Data Synchronization

  • Final Data Import: Perform the final data import from Magento to the new platform.

  • Data Validation: Validate data accuracy and completeness to ensure everything is correctly migrated.

Configuration and Setup

  • DNS Settings: Update DNS settings for the new platform.

  • SSL Certificates: Install and configure SSL certificates for secure connections.

  • Caching and CDNs: Set up caching mechanisms and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to improve site performance.

Go-Live execution

Deployment Process

  • Detailed Deployment Plan: Develop a comprehensive deployment plan, including steps, roles, and contingency plans.

  • Staging to Production: Deploy from staging to production, ensuring rollback procedures are in place to address any issues that arise.

Monitoring and Validation

  • Real-Time Monitoring: Set up real-time monitoring to track performance, stability, and functionality of the new platform.

  • User Activity Monitoring: Monitor user activity to ensure smooth transactions and identify any issues quickly.


  • Stakeholder and Customer Communication: Keep internal stakeholders and customers informed throughout the go-live process to manage expectations and provide updates.

Post-Migration support

Immediate Post-Go-Live Support

  • Support Team Readiness: Ensure the support team is ready to handle issues promptly as they arise.

  • Issue Tracking System: Set up an issue tracking system to log and prioritize problems efficiently.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

  • Continuous Monitoring: Continuously monitor platform performance to identify any areas for improvement.

  • Implement Optimizations: Implement performance optimizations based on monitoring data to enhance the user experience.

User Feedback and Improvements

  • Collect User Feedback: Gather feedback from users through surveys, interviews, and analytics to understand their experience.

  • Iterative Improvements: Make iterative improvements based on user feedback to continually enhance the platform.

Combining detailed planning, careful data migration, thorough testing, and strategic go-live preparations ensures a smooth transition from Magento to your new platform, providing a solid foundation for continued business success.

To Short Up

Migrating from Magento represents a significant opportunity to enhance your eCommerce business. While the process can be complex, the potential benefits in terms of performance, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness make it a compelling option for many online businesses.

The eCommerce replatforming process, when done correctly, can lead to improved site speed, better customer experiences, and increased conversion rates. It allows businesses to take advantage of new features, improve security, and better position themselves for future growth.

For those evaluating Medusa as their future eCommerce solution, our whitepaper - Migration from Magento to Medusa: A Complete Guide for CTO, offers insights into why Medusa is a stronger choice than Magento and provides a comprehensive guide to the migration process. Be sure to give it a read!

Migration from Magento to Medusa Whitepaper

If you're considering eCommerce replatforming, contact us for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and how we can support your migration journey. Let's work together to create an online business that truly meets your unique business needs and sets you up for long-term success in the ever-evolving world of eCommerce.

Ready to replatform? Start your journey with our Experts today!

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Transforming Enterprise eCommerce: Phased Replatforming with Medusa Modules

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Grzegorz Tomaka

Co-CEO & Co-founder

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Jakub Zbaski

Co-CEO & Co-founder

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